Increased business & name recognition through committee & community volunteer work.
Increased business credibility
Decal displayed to show membership.
Business referrals lead to increased revenue
Lodging referral system
Major benefit for all hotel, motel, & cottages. Year round referrals and from the beach welcome center during the summer season. Lodging Info
Display of members promo material at Beach Welcome Center
This is a valuable tool for businesses that need to reach the tourists.
Certificates of Origin
Benefits Manufacturing businesses who ship overseas.
Weblinks & website listings
This is a primary benefit for most businesses.
Mailing list
Available at no charge for all paid up members.
Monthly electronic / quarterly hardcopy mailed newsletters
- All new members can have a intro article.
- Over 700 e-newsletters each month
- All members can send in news articles about their business.
Newsletter inserts are good way to advertise (member produces 550 inserts- insertion fee $90).
Promotional publications: Visitor Guide & Calendar of Events
Ad space is sold in these two publications (30,000 copies are printed of each publication and distributed through the Northeast & Canada). Visitor Guide
Resource Information
Chamber can act as a resource for members looking for connections or information.
Business After Hours
Monthly events, well attended. Held at a member’s local place of business that can accommodate a large gathering. Good way to meet other members in a casual setting. A great way to become known.
Ability to post employment opportunities on chamber website
Benefits all members looking for help. Only Members will be allowed to post an employment ad on chamber page. We will use Social Media to drive public to chamber website. Job Opportunities
A.M. Chamber Connection Networking
To be held once a month at a member’s place of business. This is a Small group format. Limited from 25 to 35 people (you will have to register beforehand) gives you the ability to get to know members on a personal basis.
Cost effective advertising
- Ad space in the Newsletter.
- Rolling TV ads at our beach office
- Ad space in our semiannual Membership Directory
- Ad space on our Web Site.
- Opportunities for sponsorships at a number of Chamber events (Seafood Festival, Toast to the coast, Golf tournaments, Business After Hours, AM Connection, Children’s Festival, Annual Dinner, Etc.
Ribbon Cuttings & Open House Events
Member to Member Discount Program
View Discounts Here